Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blood Angels - Stormraven Assult

I need to take a post new photos of my latest painted miniatures, but until then here are some Blood Angels. These are models from a friend's army that he painted. I thought they turned out great so I wanted to share. I will see if I can get more photos of his other stuff, but in the mean time....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Swarmlord & Tervigon

I have tons of Necrons that I have finished painting, I just need to take the time to get photos of them all. For now here are a couple of the newer Tyranid Models GW released. I have a ton of Tyranid models so I try and keep the color scheme simple to allow me to paint them all in a decent amount of time. The scheme is a simple Hive Fleet Leviathan color scheme. 

I bought the new plastic Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord kit. I used all the bits to make a Flying Tyrant that I am in the process of painting. I still had an old metal hive tyrant kit new in the box so I was able to use the Swarmlord head and arms on that. So here is the metal hive tyrant body with Swarmlord head and swords.

Next up is the new Tervigon kit which most players probably assumed was never going to be released. I love the new model and think it looks much better than any of the conversion kits that some 3rd party websites were selling. It is much larger than a carnifex model and really has many design cues from the Forge World Bio Titan. It was a blast to paint and it stand out on the gaming table.

I have one more of these kits to paint up so expect that in the future. I am still trying to decide if it will be another Tervigon or if I will model it as a Tyrannofex.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Land Raiders, Crusaders and Terminus.. Oh My!

I am working on a big commission of Blood Angels for Tom at Pair-A-Dice Games so expect to see more Red Marines popping up on the front page. One of the bigger units included in this build was a Blood Angels Land Raider. Tom wanted this land raider to be fully magnetized so he could swap weapons to make it fit any situation he needed.

Having magnetized my Chaos tanks I was no stranger to this setup, but normally I setup a land raider to have just one set of weapons. The main hurdle here was setting up all my weapons to be able to fit into any slot. This meant ensuring my polarity was correct on all the weapons. It was a time consuming process, but the final product was well worth the effort.

Some shots of the Land Raider Terminus, an Apocalypse Datasheet, this land raider gives up its troop transport ability to take on extra firepower....full lascannon loadout!

Below we have the standard land raider with twin-linked lascannons and heavy bolters. We included the Forge World Blood Angels doors to really make this thing stand out once painted. They are also magnetized so they can be moved around to any door frame.

And last but not least... the Land Raider Crusader.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ork Stompa

Local game store owner and friend Jeff asked me to assemble and paint an Ork Stompa kit for his army. We have been running a lot of Apocalypse games down at the store so Jeff decided it was time to add some Super Heavy punch to his Ork line up. This is a big kit and come with many options, so if you are planning on starting this make sure to go over the directions and fit things before you get down to cutting and gluing. While it did take awhile to paint, I enjoyed painting this up. I love to add rust and damage to my chaos models so the Stompa was my dream. I had to stop myself from making it look too beat up. Now my Reaver Titan will have a new target on the game table!

I apologize for the photos. I had to meet Jeff at the store and took them last minute. The flash seems to wash out a lot of the shading on the metal and the red paint job is more rich in real life.